December 10, 2010

Potato Soup

I don't know what part of the country you are sitting in while you read this blog, but I do know that here in Arkansas, it has gotten COLD!!! Over the next few days, it's only going to get colder!!!! I'm not much of a cold person and I was actually talking to my Mom tonight at dinner saying that since Clint and I are such warm weather people, I'm just positive that the NAVY will send us to Seattle at some point, or Maine, or Alaska... Goodness... Dreading that!!!!

So, around here when it starts to get cold, we start eating a lot of soup!!! Broccoli Cheese, Veggie, Chicken and Rice, Potato, Taco, Chili... Goodness I have a lot of soup recipes that I will post, but tonight, I want to post the soup recipe that I made the night we told our parents that "Baby Horne" was officially Hadley Grace Horne!!! I made a big pot of this soup and it was so easy and not too expensive for a big crowd!!! Enjoy and stay warm!!!!

8 large potatoes, skin on diced
1/2 an onion, grated or finely chopped
4T garlic powder
S&P to taste
3c. milk
Cornstarch to thicken
Grated cheese, chives and bacon bits to top

In a large pot, place the diced potatoes and cover with water (or chicken broth, water is cheaper if you're on a tight budget!!!!) Add the onion, garlic and S&P, cover and let potatoes cook. Side tip, to keep potatoes from bubbling over, put about 2T of veg or canola oil in the water.

Once the potatoes are cooked, do not drain too much of the water, if any. Add the milk and cornstarch (make sure you mix the cornstarch with a little bit of water and mix well to avoid chunks before pouring into soup). Allow to bring up to a boil and let set for about 8-10 minutes to thicken. Stir occasionally so that the cornstarch doesn't settle to the bottom.

When the soup is to desired thickness, dish it up, top with cheese, bacon and chives and ENJOY!!!

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